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Home DALLA RETE È morto Mark Hollis dei Talk Talk

È morto Mark Hollis dei Talk Talk

All’età di 64 anni è venuto a mancare ieri Mark Hollis, storico frontman, fondatore e principale autore degli inglesi Talk Talk, una delle formazioni più importanti degli interi anni Ottanta. Hollis era assente dalle scene da tantissimi anni. Qui in basso il messaggio diffuso tramite i suoi canali social da Paul Webb/Rustin Man, suo compagno nei Talk Talk:

I am very shocked and saddened to hear the news of the passing of Mark Hollis. Musically he was a genius and it was a honour and a privilege to have been in a band with him. I have not seen Mark for many years, but like many musicians of our generation I have been profoundly influenced by his trailblazing musical ideas. He knew how to create a depth of feeling with sound and space like no other. He was one of the greats, if not the greatest.

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